Submit a request

Please select the type of inquiry.

Unique number - Top left of title screen (automatic copy when touched) - In the game, Account - Settings - Unique number

Enter nickname for user identification

Please select a server

Please select a store

1. Purpose of collection and use of personal information: Studio LB Co., Ltd. collects personal information as follows to receive customer consultation and process inquiries. 2. Items of personal information collected: Required items (email address), optional items (payment details, device information) 3. Retention and use period of personal information: After the purpose of collection and use of personal information is achieved, Studio LB Co., Ltd. stores the information for 3 years and then destroys it. However, in accordance with the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., records regarding consumer complaints and dispute resolution are kept for 5 years and then destroyed. You have the right to refuse the above consent, and if you refuse to consent, receiving inquiries will be restricted.

Please check if you are over 14 years old.

Please enter a detailed description of your inquiry. [Bug Report] If you include step to reproduce, we can confirm and take action more quickly and accurately. [Payment inquiries] Verification can only be done if the receipt number (screenshot or text) for each store is attached. Thank you

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